Ok...I know this is not a bird...but I love my magnolia trees...They are in full bloom right now...and just buzzing with the bees feasting on the pollen from the blossoms...
These are some of our purple martins...We enjoy watching them...and they love it when we come out and talk with them...LOL...and yes, I do talk to them...
This little female is hopefully sitting eggs already...I zoomed in to get a shot of her...I think she was smiling...LOL...
This is two males and a female...they just sat there and watched me while I was outside...
These are the baby birds that were born on our porch...The moma bird has built the nest and laid the eggs, before we realized it...so we let them alone to hatch out...I took this photo, just before they flew the coop today...
This little guy could not seem to find his way off the porch...so I actually got to hold him for a second before he flew off to start his own life...
This is the moma bird...she was having a hissy fit because I was on the porch...but she was fine once the babies flew out...she was right behind them...It as fun watching them the past few weeks...but I am glad they are off the porch...
Fantastic photos, thanks for sharing them with us :o)
Jules x
That's ok Debbie , I love wathing the birds and I talk to mine too! I love sitting and watching all the activity at the feeders and the birdbath! Listening to them sing...so sweet !
Debbie, we love birds too!
I love the Magnolia blossom. I live in the Pacific Northwest and we don't have those trees here. Could you take a picture of the entire tree and put it up on your site so I can see what it looks like? I would appreciate it if you can, but if you can't I understand.
Thanks, Jamie S
Hi Debbie!
I am SO envious of your bird nest with baby birds on your own porch!!!! How darling!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU for sharing your wonderful pics!!!!!
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