Sunday, May 25, 2008

Hummers are everywhere...

I got home this afternoon after being gone all day long to hummingbirds everywhere at every feeder...Oh my...I ran got the camera and stood as close as they would let me and took some photos of one time i counted 9 at one feeder...they tickle me the way they seem to argue over who is eating and who is waiting in line so to speak...We have 3 feeders this size and they can drain all 3 in a couple of days...these little buggers have hefty appetites...but they are so much fun to watch...right now as I am typing this, I can hear them outside my window...and there are so many between two of the feeders I cannot count them all...


Beth Norman-Roberts said...

Amazing photos. TFS.

Dragonlady said...

Love seeing the hummers, you got some great pics of them, also enjoying seeing photos of the lizards, we have them here all over the place too but most of them are an ugly brown...

Anonymous said...

Hello Debbie,

Was admiaring your hummingbird photo's. How wonderful to se them for real and so many.
I have onlu see them in a Zoo here in the Netherlands.
Thank you for sharing