Saturday, February 07, 2009

Twinchie Book Giveaway winner........................

is....................................Teena aka teena01atgmaildotcom...Friend's name is Judy.
I am send you an email now, to get your info and info for your friend...You both get a Twinchie Book from Debbie's Die Cuts...Thanks everyone for playing...and stayed tuned, there will be another giveaway next week...a special one...

1 comment:

Teena said...


This is Teena saying THANK YOU!!!

I am so excited! I just emailed Judy to let her know how she won, and that you are NOT an axe murderer so it is OK to give you her mailing address...HA.

Thanks again! I can't wait to have it sitting on my desk to inspire me to do something wonderful! :)
